Here is our new Web Solution. It was set for launch at Tuesday the 14th of November.
The new solution is delivered by Coinno. It is different than the old one in many ways. First of all the looks of it. There is a new face lifted version of the colors in the visual profile.
Technically it’s fluently responsive and adapting to all screens. The old one had some problems with that. The security is stronger with SSL encryption and HSTS. There is a dual firewall, dual premium software systems for anti virus. There are premium cashe systems to take care of the speed on top of already great data architecture. There is a premium server with SSD disks. User errors with uploading to big pictures are eliminated by automatically changing both compression and resolution. The site is designed to look professional on all surfaces, be user friendly, safe and fast.
WordPress Multisite. The site is sharing back end with Global Talent Center and Business angels. The web team at the hub can more easily administrate the sites. It is ready for SEO.